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Post-Conviction Forms

Reporting Forms and Information

The primary means of reporting is via the internet at the ERS reporting website (instructions are included here).  You may also be required to submit the self-employment supplemental report form, if self-employed.  Additionally, sex offenders are generally NOT allowed to report on-line AND will be required to submit the monthly supervision report form below, and the Sex Offender Supplemental as part of the written monthly report.

Secondary means of monthly reporting is by mail/person if you have no internet access, do not have the ability to use the website, or it is not allowed by your officer.  In that case, you will use the approved Monthly Supervision Report Form (English) and (Spanish), and send it to your officer, or bring it to the approved address.

Here is the Monthly Report Form for organizations if needed.

Supervision Management Forms

Job Search Verification Log

Financial Documents

Net Worth (short form 48EZ) and (long version 48)

Monthly Cash Flow Statement (PROB 48B)

Financial Declaration-Affidavit (48D) must be signed and submitted whenever you are required to submit a Monthly Cash Flow Statement or either of the Net Worth Statements.

Credit Report Request Form (used to give signed permission to run and review your current credit status and score).


Your officers will ask for the following information found on the travel permit form to allow permission to travel.

Special Conditions

Community Service Record (print out and complete this log to document your hours of community service completed each month).  Must have printed and signed the name of the person at the agency approved by your USPO to oversee your hours.

Treatment Forms

Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous attendance verification log.